Booklet Atlas OCT US

Monaco with Optos Advanceā„¢ software includes a suite of tools to help assess patient imaging by automatically segmenting the retinal layers and comparing them to a reference database (RDB) of normal subjects. The numbers below are for the US cleared RDB. There are regionally approved databases which vary in number, composition and presentation state. OCT Measurement

Normal FRT

Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion with FRT

Normal GCC

Diabetic Retinopathy with DME GCC

The software provides thickness maps for: full retina thickness (FRT), ganglion cell complex (GCC), and ONH retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL). The values in the table are colorized depending where a calculated value falls within the distribution. This is independent from the colors used to describe layer thickness in the enface FRT and GCC maps.


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